04 July 2007

2002 Sketches & Side Studies For Large Mixed Media Pieces

Television woman developed into character for mixed media piece. 2002.

Tevlevision figures later worked into characters. 2002.

A stage of the Sun-Loco gas station development for a large mixed media piece. 2002.

A work up from photos I took in Pennsylvania the previous year and TV figures. 2002.

The guy. The guy behind the guy... and some addenda from pop culture. 2002.

TV reference. Pictoral reference. It all goes in. 2002.

The guys behind the guy. Worked up for finish work. Mixed media piece. 2002.

Figure workups for another mixed media piece.... and an addendum about Siouxsie and Debbie Harry. 2002.
Reappropriated showgirl image for mixed media piece. 2002.

Study for "Down The Drain, Thru The Crax" 2002.
Workup for "Lucky Strike Sucky Trickel". 2002.

More character workups for large watercolor and ink pieces. 2002.

TV Drawings and an end page collage. 2002.

The end of one sketchbook meets part of another. Notes from a Blondie show at Roseland Ballroom and some side studies. November 2002.