13 October 2020

Autumn Signals

New season. New challenges. I got this. 

I refuse to lose my head. 

I'm gonna rock down to Electric Avenue

More flea marketing.
There is little else to do
but that's okay by me sometimes.
I do, however, miss concerts.

Fun Fact: I don't like Halloween.

Okay... REALLY?
Who buys a mattress after 
there's been a skull on it?

Scientology hit parade

The new Sufjan Stevens album 
The Ascension is worth many spins.

Newly completed collage triptych
for my home. I'll share more complete 
and descriptive images soon. 

Happy 80th birthday John Lennon!

Spirit on my shoulder.
Here's wishing you the same.


Fun postcard from Jon Waits

Grey fall sky above.
Autumn spectrum below...

All the colors. All the moods.

First indoor dining (and bowl of matzoh ball 
soup) in NJ with my friend Steve since March 14th!

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Steve!
Does anyone know where I can 
drop off this old antique I got here?

I should just move in.


His and hearse

Yet another day at the flea markets
with my friends Steve and Vanessa

Skylarking and cloudbursting

Lighting for a vintage ephemera photo shoot

Ummm.... Flame retarded?!?!

Yeah, we know... 
It was very successful in 2016.
Let's hope that changes this time around.

Time is on my side

U.S. Post Office 2020

Apple picking

Ground control to Major Tom

Warp drive... always moving forward