Exactly three months before these photos were taken, I was taken to the emergency room with a lung collapse. What followed was a rather lengthy hospital stay and a difficult healing process. The people in these photos were a GIANT part of my recovery and the day we had together at The Duke Estate was yet another reminder of why I wanted to be well again. 90 days prior they were all standing around my hospital bed (along with my parents) watching me act bizzarely on pain meds while hooked up to machines and a chest drain. Clearly, today is a different story...
Janie is perhaps the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen. Three months 'til we greet her guaranteed-to-be gorgeous daughter. I'd make a typical crack about not knowing who the father is, but we all know it's Mick Jagger... or maybe her husband. I always confuse the two of them.

Steve, Myself & Scott: Snarky, Cringey & Frowny.
Steve is a highbrow cultural elitist and an all-around aesthete...

One of the few moments when I was actually ON the designated path...

I dunno, maybe I missed something during the car ride, but out of nowhere my whole crew decided they were park rangers for the day and empowered themselves with dominion over my every move. What I call "going to where the good picture is" suddenly became what Scott called "stompling on the plants as an invasive species". No word yet on whether or not "stompling" is a technical term used by those in the rarified air of Northeastern Botany.
Come follow us... Scroll on... It'll be a good time, I promise...
Photos by Myself, Janie Hansen & Steve Sizer. 20 April 2008.