12 August 2007

Weird And Wonderful: Sussex County Fair 2007

Some rides are illuminated, even by daylight.

Spray-painted hay bales in the form of a monster truck.

Come one! Come all! The pre-recorded message being amplified to the masses...

Beekeeper in a screened-in booth putting on a show.

Rams in their nature-made finery.

Peeps under warming lamps.
Just born... newly hatched peep in a glass incubator.

Cock-sure and crowing... a proud rooster.

More tagged, penned and docile livestock.

Every few minutes this adorable guy would walk around and pose, then rest.

Indoor agriculture greenhouse.

Ice cream machine outside a booth that (I am told) has the best ice cream at the fair.

Cones and clouds. Afternoon sky.

Glass miniatures.

Tacky, wacky and true. I suppose people actually BUY these, but I don't know who.

Pinned and rather beautiful in contrast to many other wares...

Yeah, I'm sure it's all real. Bling from a tent in an open field is always high quality. Sure, sure...

Some photos caption themselves. Priceless.

The type of merchandise you ONLY see at fairs and boardwalks.

And then the sun begins to set... The sillhouettes give way to an electric glow... And then the REAL fun starts.