28 January 2022

Mercury Retrograde

Here we are... deep in another winter.

When the sink becomes a palette 

Mic Drop

Acrylic Portrait Demo

Happy 118th Birthday
To Fellow Capricorn Cary Grant
Born Archibald Leach In Bristol, England 1904.
Postcard: CG’s Santa Monica, CA Home (Circa 1940)

Student (Grade 11 Male): “Montone, I feel like if the mafia were after you, the teachers here would have your back.” Me: “Ummm… Thanks?”

Many thanks to Stephen K. for adding this gem to my collection.

Me: “Ancient Egyptians used to shave their eyebrows to mourn the death of their cats.” Student (Grade 12 Female): “How long did it take for yours to grow back?” Anyway, at least the light’s good today. How’s everybody else’s work day going?

Recent Additions To The Cassette Archive:
Three Depeche Mode cassettes from Malta. One of these is a split release with parts of DM’s live 101 album backed with tracks from U2's Rattle And Hum LP. Though they were released in 1989 and 1988 respectively, the cassette is titled “Live 1990”. DM’s Greatest Hits include something called “Question Of Lush” and the lyrical translations in the enclosed booklets of each cassette include some interesting rewrites. Most strikingly, the Maltese release of DM’s epochal Violator album includes some bonus tracks however omits “Personal Jesus”, which is one of their signature hits. I suppose it was deemed too controversial for the Maltese audience. I’ve enjoyed collecting clamshell cassette editions of pop and rock albums from Europe and The Far East for their format and track list differences, unique notations and the inclusion of lyric booklets. These three oddities did not disappoint. I’ll have to give these a listen to figure out what “Studio Dubs” are. For those interested in rare pop culture collectibles, check out @mymadonnacollection_sale_items on Instagram. He’s a very expedient seller.

Rest In Peace Don Wilson (1933 - 2022)
Co-founder and guitarist of The Ventures, whose iconic 1960s surf rock sound is both distinctive and legendary. The LPs at top right and lower left were found in a sizable record stash in my grandparents’ basement many years ago, having belonged to my Mom. I had a lot of fun listening to these as a kid and the fun hasn’t subsided in the intervening years. These records are evergreen. Thank you, Mister Wilson, for taking us all deep inside the perfect wave time and time again.

Recent eBay Score: A promotional stand-up display for
record stores advertising the 1982 album by Blondie 
entitled The Hunter. This would be the band’s last album until
their return with the No Exit LP in 1999.

Jupiter Mission • 2022 • A Snow Odyssey

More of January 2022
Life in Mercury Retrograde
Okay, bomb cyclone... Shoot your shot.