12 July 2021


Newly acquired and freshly 
framed posters from the 70s and 80s. 

Very excited to read Quentin Tarantino's novelization 
of his screenplay for Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

Chancey is unimpressed by everyone's fireworks.

Mom isn't in these photos but she is
represented in the lipstick mark on my cheek.

The local kids know where it's at.

Fresh chalk before the rain.

Offerings, art and artifacts at the flea market.

As always, my friends Steve and Vanessa 
mark a flea market visit with a photo. 
I tried to get Steve to buy that jacket to no avail. 

The July sky is a whole mood.

Indoor parking for mini cars.

I miss real bookstores.
I rarely ever encounter one like this. 

It's called fashion honey, look it up.