01 July 2019

World Pride 2019: Cuomo, DeBlasio, Schumer, James, Blanca, Elektra, Madonna And Me

World Pride Day: From Start To Finish

Stonewall: Where It All Began

When The Trevor Project 
Serves Stonewall REALNESS 
In Front Of The ACTUAL Stonewall Inn

50 years ago on THIS very spot, the police were raiding 
Stonewall and arresting us. Today they’re protecting us 
so we can ALL celebrate peacefully. THANK YOU NYPD! 
We’ve all come a long way.

I  learned that “tocayo” is espaƱol for “two people 
with the same name”. Say hello to my new friend Christian!

NYS Attorney General Letitia James 

When you meet Blanca (MJ Rodriguez)
from Pose and she is EVERYTHING.

I told Elektra Abundance (Dominique Jackson) 
I loved her and she said she loved me too.

NYS Senator Chuck Schumer 

NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio 

HIGH FIVE! Governor Andrew Cuomo 

When you run into alumni...
Hey there, Molly. Great to see you!

Look Mom and Dad... I'm on TV!
Big thanks to Denise Turner for capturing this!

I spent the day in front of The Stonewall where I watched the NYC Gay Pride Parade sail by me. I shook hands with, hugged and kissed more people (both in the parade and the crowd) than I ever knew I would. I told as many people as I could that they were beautiful and I wished them love and happiness. They ALL responded in kind. Afterwards I walked 50 blocks draped in a Pride flag receiving winks, hugs and high fives from other celebrants. I am so grateful to live in a time and a place where all of this is possible. I am proud to be a member of a community that includes ALL races, religions and genders. The older I get the greater my capacity to love (and receive love) grows. The older I get the more I realize how blessed I am in every way. Later I stood on a platform, watching a glorious sunset, dancing and fully engaged in the joy around me as I waited for Madonna to perform. This city gave me a birthplace, my family, many friends, my art education and my career. It also gave me my OTHER family. What a time to be alive!


Madonna's performance began with a succession
of Madame X "spy" clones going through a series
of movements until Madonna herself emerged. 


Madonna's show closed with fireworks
and as I made my way back down to 42nd
Street to pick up my car, I saw The H&M 
Building lit up for pride as if to say "goodnight".

Okay, Pride 2019: That's a wrap!