23 December 2018

Town & Country Holiday

Chilly streets show a little red and green.

We're dreaming of a White Christmas

An iconic Bowie performance
finally gets a multi-format release

Roadside Santas say hello.

A recent vintage purchase
becomes a fixture in my home... literally.

My Evergleam Tree goes up again

We pause to remember Nancy Wilson.

We pause to remember Penny Marshall.

Santa told me I am definitely 
getting that spaceship I've been wanting.

Gillian came by for a visit.

Work continues to be work.

Manhattan does its winter thing.

Tatyana sends Scott and I some sweet gifts.

Matisse Donut... Just because.

We clean up our mess and go home.

Moving steadily toward another year...
Asking the entities for guidance (okay not really).

From my tree to yours, Merry Christmas!
I have many cool visuals and topics planned 
for 2019 and I look forward to sharing them all.