I've been visiting this place on my own for 20 years. I could probably draw this in my sleep.
Cuirass. Greek body armor. Circa 330 BCE.
Marble relief with two goddesses. Roman (Imperial). 1st or 2nd Century CE.
Wrapped saints. Medieval wing.
Copper wire and metal tapestry by El Anatsui from Ghana. 2006.
Three Rosenquists from the 1960s. The poster print I'd not seen in person before.
An anonymous gift to The Met: a 2005 Francesco Clemente self portrait.
Juan Dupas' mural "The History Of Navigation" from 1934. Taken from the Ocean Liner Normandie.
A favorite of mine since the Mid-90s, when an amazing African Art History professor brought one of these "Nkisi N'konde" Power Figures of the Kongo Peoples to life for me. They were used in divination and healing rituals with nails and spikes being driven into the figures to anger or awaken the spirit inherent in them to action. 6 August 2008.