A quiet birthday at Mom and Dad's. Highly personalized cake and amazingly beautiful petit fours by Steve. Molly, my parents' keeper. Molly being cuddled by Scott after visiting Steve's lap for a bit. Mom and Dad being their shy, retiring selves. (Yeah, right...) 12 January 2008.
A front cover. Patti Smith Bowery Ballroom VIP passes. A desk view. A bunch of roughs and the transfer sketch for the double page spread of a 2008 yearbook. Another desk view. A self portrait study in cut paper. Some collage left overs and found stickers fashioned into a visual narrative. January 2008.
Acrylic constellations in the studio sinks. A vine trellis behind the local post office. Two early morning images from a ride to work. A much appreciated birthday cake presented to me by my AP Studio Seniors on a Friday afternoon. All in a week's work. Lovely. 8-11 January 2008.
Raritan Oil Company. Route 1. Edison, NJ. Next to the abandoned Cambria Mack (see below).
This area has been in a state of demolition for weeks and seems to have stopped for a while. The avalanche of file cabinets coming through a puncture in a wall is not something you see on a major thoroughfare often... not even in New Jersey. Morning. 6 January 2008.
Cambria Mack on Route 1 in Edison revisited. The precarious letter "A" is still hanging on... A few more broken windows... Graffitti is unchanged. Some of the items left around inside have moved around. It seems as if the building itself is not the only thing in suspended animation... Its decay is as well. Morning. 6 January 2008.