22 May 2022

May As It Lays

Every year the pink blossoms
of May excite and beguile me. 

Senior Art Show prep is in full swing.

The trees are filling out bottom to top.

My new classroom tables and chairs arrived.

Doing a little light reading...

Oh, New Jersey.

Matzoh ball soup as always with my friend Steve. 

Hello Chancey! 

Happy Mother's Day! XO

Duran Duran's epochal Rio album 
was released 40 years ago this month. 

There's a new Arcade Fire album 
entitled WE on my turntable right now. 

Mr. Coleman and I are working on laying things out.
Every year we manage all the variables and bring it together. 

Food Services made us a feast for the Underclassmen Art Show. 

My friend the blue heron is back.

92 Degrees Fahrenheit with a found object.

Lately it gets late a lot later. 
Here's hoping all is clear and bright with you.
Stay illuminated. Love, CDM