28 July 2024

Summer Things

Flea Markets On A Sunny Day

Found some cassettes for myself and others

I found some records...

Andy Gibb (1977)

Kristy & Jimmy McNichol (1978)

I found this 1960s gum ball machine at my 
friend Nate's shop. I had bought one from my friend 
Vanessa quite a few years ago but I decided I 
needed another. Thanks for the sweet deal, Nate!

Two Rowan and Martin LPs from the 1960s (above and below)

More Laugh-In ephemera for my collection (above and below)

I made a new friend. This is Shelby. 

My friend Vanessa gave me this box of 1950s and 60s 
slides mixed with a few old greeting cards and prints. 
I transferred the contents of this box to a plastic storage box 
and will scan and investigate the contents soon. 

Many thanks to my friend Steve for snagging me 
these 1960s day glo paints with the Two Guys price tag. 

Another great eBay score:
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In Stick On Button Kit (1968)
This set is staying sealed and stored.

Chips On Chips

Vibe Check - 51st Summer

I have NO problem reading trolls to filth. 

25 July 1989 • 35 Years Ago...
Beastie Boys released the dense, sprawling, epochal monolith known 
as “Paul’s Boutique” and my 16 year old mind was absolutely blown.
It would take a good eight to ten years before the world at large caught
up with the grandeur of this trippy, genre-hopping, postmodernist, 
sample-heavy jewel of an album but as a teenager it grabbed me immediately, 
getting many repeat spins and close listens (mostly through cheap, 
foamy headphones). The microscopic print of the lyrics inside the
cassette inlay were a fun challenge to follow along with. 
Here’s a sample: “Now I rock a house party at the drop of a hat, yeah.
I beat a biter down with an aluminum bat. A lot of people they be jonesin’ 
just to hear me rock the mic. They’ll be staring at the radio. 
Staying up all night. So like a pimp I’m pimpin’. I got a boat to eat shrimp in.
Nothing wrong with my leg just B-boy limpin’. Got arrested at the Mardi Gras 
for jumping on a float. My man MCA’s got a beard like a billy goat. 
Oowah oowah is my disco call. MCA hu-huh, I’m gettin’ rope y’all.” 
Now in my 50s, these lyrics STILL make me smile as I listen to them 
through AirPods. I guess you’re never too old to

eBay Score: The Swimmer Cinema Poster (1968)
This is a very rare and unusual illustrated Australian cinema lobby poster for one of my films. Filmed in 1966 and released in 1968, The Swimmer is a movie starring Burt Lancaster based on a short story written by John Cheever. It’s available for streaming on YouTube and other platforms as well as on deluxe DVD / Blu-Ray. Highly recommended. I’m very happy to have this very unique piece of movie memorabilia to frame and hang in my home.

That thing where 2024 alum Keira group chats my friend Steve and I and suggests we go to dinner before she leaves for college and we pick a time and a place and Keira and Steve conspire behind my back to have a cake with the words THE GAME on it delivered to the restaurant from a bakery but she ends up bringing it over herself because I made the mistake of reintroducing THE GAME at work last year and if you think about THE GAME you lose THE GAME and I had no idea this was gonna happen because school ended over a month ago and now THE GAME is delivered to our table and as per usual I LOST THE GAME and Keira wins THE GAME FOREVER AND EVER. Thanks Keira! The cake was delicious! ALSO: THE GAME THE GAME THE GAME THE GAME.