18 November 2023

Town And Country: Autumn 2023

Deep in a colorful season.

Manifold colors abound. 

It's always colorful at work.

"Hey, Montone... I drew you."

The outdoor flea market in Saylorburg has said farewell until spring. 

Grabbed some swag.

Curly is NOT having it. 

I stopped by Bobby's shop, of course. 
In a world of Ikes, be a Tina. 

My friend Nate's shop is festive as always. 

We love Vanessa. See you in the spring!

On Halloween, I went to work as 
the David Hicks carpet from The Shining

Have your cake and eat it too. 

Some mornings are just brilliant. 

Before the leaves leave.

Big, long read.

Sweet scents.

Bowie is always watching. 

Central Park South NYC

I love a graffiti truck.

Waiting for lights to change on Canal Street. 

I did the thing. 

Masked muses between seasons.

Here's what you're all getting for Christmas.

This too. You're welcome.

Not now. I'm busy.

Name this flower. Wrong answers only. 

Still life vignette. 

8th Street NYC

Central Park West NYC

Here come the trees.

Remember: You are MAGIC.

My garden family says hello. 
Wishing everyone well as always. Love, CDM