21 June 2022

Celebrations And Solstice

I am oftentimes the first adult that one of my high school art students comes out to. Boys, girls, non-binary or transgender, gay, lesbian or bisexual… I’ve heard and seen it all. Every person’s story, truth and timeline is different but they all know that however they identify, I’m a safe person. I’ve had friends, colleagues and social acquaintances ask me how to talk to their kids when it appears that one of them is LGBTQ. I always say that once you’ve set the table and tone, a kid will decide when they’re ready to talk. All you have to do is be present and make it clear that you accept them and their truth. This formula doesn’t apply exclusively to kids. I’ve found that it has also allowed other adults I know to confide their own private feelings, thoughts, desires or identity-related questions to me. Being a trusted sounding board who is taken into confidence isn’t something I take lightly. Apart from holding these conversations sacred, I’ve been given a greater understanding of the many hues on each of the manifold spectra we call our “identities”. At any age or however you identify, the freedom to be clear about who you are in every aspect of your life is liberating and empowering. When you offer a friend, family member or loved one the latitude to be who or what they need to be, you have opened a door that holds space for their truth… whatever that may be. Never underestimate the power of that priceless gift, which is just as beautiful to give as it is to receive. Happy Pride, everyone… and I mean EVERYONE.

When you get called "Saved By The Bell" all day long
at work... Not by students but by other faculty members. 

I celebrated Prince's birthday with the brand new 3 LP purple vinyl / 2 CD / Blu-Ray box set of Prince And The Revolution Live (1985). Formerly available only on VHS and a substandard 1 to 1 DVD transfer, this restored document of the iconic Purple Rain tour is nothing short of spectacular. For those interested, the deluxe box set contains all physical media, a download of the audio, a poster and a comprehensive tour book. The Prince Estate has done it again and given fans another beautiful archival release to enjoy.


...And that's a wrap on Year 22


Is it pronounced "gy-ro" or "hee-ro"?

I have now read the memoirs of three Go-Go's: Belinda Carlisle, 
Kathy Valentine and Gina Schock. All we need is for Charlotte 
Caffey and Janie Wiedlin to write one (with an audio book from Jane). 

Some of my favorite 2022 graduates

Didn’t have a “Running Into Mark Harmon” square 
on my flea market bingo card but I ain’t mad at it.

My favorite record vendor let me hold this extremely rare and valuable album by The Chirping Crickets from 1957 featuring a young unknown named Buddy Holly. It goes for approximately 800 dollars however to Bobby it’s priceless. Believe me. I get that.

Father's Day fun at Mom and Dad's house...

Happy Father’s Day To My Genetic Blueprint

I’m about to sit down to work on the first of the 36 final illustrations that will compose my next book. Earlier today, as I often do, I visited the park only to be surprised once again by my sometimes elusive blue heron friend. Mindful of the undertaking I’m about to commence, I knowingly smiled upon seeing him, noting his significance. The blue heron symbolizes self-reliance, self-determination and the ability to evolve and progress. I always seem to be met with totems, messages and cosmic signs at key moments in my life without asking for them to appear and well, this was a big one. Many thanks to my majestic feathered friend, the elementals and all of my guides. Everything is available to all of us if we are open to receive. Stay illuminated. Love, CDM

Volume Number 130 of my diaries and some quick notes.
Always noting, transcribing, compiling and composing. 
So much work ahead but it will all get done. It always does. 

Wishing joyful Summer Solstice and
a beautiful season of prosperity to everyone.