26 February 2022

Between Pink Skies : 12 Days And 6 Drawings

February is showing us a quickening.
The skies are brighter a bit earlier and 
sometimes surprise us with their array of colors. 

Sometimes you have to bribe Chancey for affection with treats. 

I am continuing to draw large format landscapes.
 These will be sold at auction for charity in the spring.
As I get ready to prepare the Spring art shows, I will take 
as much time as I can to get as many of these done as possible.

Digital collage of material from an earlier blog post. 

I actually went out to eat matzoh ball soup with 
a friend other than Steve. I hope he forgives me. 

...And then of course we had an ice storm
because it's February and because it's New Jersey.
The world is very strange and volatile right now.
Wishing everyone around the world safety, peace and prosperity.
Love, CDM