10 March 2020

Painted, Drawn, Printed And Photographed

The roll. The stroll.
It all continues.
Prints and drawings, 
paintings and other pictures.
All of it continues as we walk 
in and out of our days and nights.

Over the last few weeks I've gotten quite a
few messages (both public and private)
across several platforms thanking me for the
positive, uplifting nature of my images and 
the messages that accompany some of them.
In response, I would like to thank all of
those who reached out and all of those who 
have observed and enjoyed my posts here, on 
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and 
elsewhere quietly. It's nice to have many platforms
on which to publish art, photography and my
thoughts. Receiving positivity back is even better.

STUDENT: "Don't worry, Montone.
I got these goggles from the wood shop.
You're safe from the corona virus."

Camera misfire: Full moon 6:10AM

Four phases of a pastel 
landscape study in a sketchbook.

Three phases of another pastel 
landscape study in a sketchbook.

Landscapes in progress

Early morning - Cross Road

One of my colleagues, the AMAZING
Steve Coleman allowed some of our students 
to reclaim an underused space in the art 
department. I love everything about this.

Phases of a pastel portrait sketch

Karen Carpenter would have 
been 70 years old this month.

Happy International Women’s Day to four bold, 

beautiful, badass women whose artistry, intellect, 

presence, energy and creativity I admire a great 

deal. I’ve never had a “gender filter” on those who

 inspire, interest or inform me. I never favored 

one gender of visual or performing artist to another.

 I grew up in a family with a mother, grandmother, 

aunts and cousins who had strong, fully formed 

personalities. They walked their talk, you could say. 

Nobody had to tell me that as women they were 

equal to men because they just WERE equal to men 
in everything they did and everything they were.
 Growing up, most of my friends were female. 
Throughout my adult life, most of my co-workers, 
bosses and students have been female.
 IT NEVER ONCE occurred to me that a colleague, 
supervisor or student would be capable of less 
because of their gender (or any other social / 
economic reason) for this sheer fact alone: 
Anyone who decides they are equal IS EQUAL. 
That said, I am VERY honored to know MANY 
amazing women (young and old, family and 
friends) to this day. Thank you to ALL of the women
 in my life, in my workplace, on my turntable and 
on both my large and small screens. You’ve made 
the world a richer and more beautiful place. Love, CDM

I’m interrupting the incessant social media
scroll about virus outbreaks to share an image of 
tiny red buds that have just appeared on a tree behind 
my house. Spring is indeed starting for many of us in 
the northern hemisphere despite the biological chaos
 and global calamity of late. I’m posting this as a
 reminder that life, rebirth, fresh energy and natural
 awakenings are developing in this and every moment.
 It’s unstoppable and it’s always delivering the 
goods on its own clock and calendar. If we choose
 to observe, enjoy and honor this, the cycle will 
continue to feed and enrich us. 
Be well, keep smiling and stay illuminated.